Survived, Metal Chopsticks, Kim Chi & Saddle Sores!
1500 km of beautiful river valleys w the odd mountain pass
Where are you from? Quatar! Amazing cycling group with their Korean guide (young man who had taught skiing at Whistler) it is too hot to cycle in Quatar at this time of year. We met a young couple from Poland who have been touring in Japan & Korea since January (cold) & just as we were arriving in Seoul we met again the young German men heading for the ferry to China, we gave them our leftover stove fuel.
It has been a great trip, the last few days we were feeling sad that the cycling was coming to an end.
Our first requirement for our trip home was bike boxes, we found a Giant bike store & luckily, as we were talking a delivery of bikes arrived,
When they asked where our hotel was they said that is 1 hour walking, yes, put 1 box into the other & away we go with a break for curry lunch,
The boxes are a bit small but Jim can make them work.
Looking forward to exploring Seoul, apparently some great markets.
Thanks for coming along on the trip & your words of encouragement, hope our paths cross soon.
Posted by 2018 japan 15:52
Are you home?
by coopdb